Mulberry, or mulberry, is the fruit of a mulberry tree, a recognized long-liver among fruit and berry trees. The average life expectancy of a mulberry tree is 200 years, some trees bear fruit much longer, mulberry trees planted by Peter the Great (calorizator) grow in the Botanical Garden of Kyiv. Mulberries are seasonal, in order to be able to benefit and enjoy the taste of mulberries all year round, mulberries are dried in the fresh air or in special drying installations. Dried mulberry, like any dried fruit, tastes sweeter than fresh, the aroma depends on the mulberry variety.
General characteristics
Expiration date
180 days
Country of origin
Tajikistan ⠀
Nutritional value
Calorie content 100 g "dried fruits"
compose 375 kCal / 1569 KJ.
The product contains: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, H and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, natural dietary fiber, sugars. Dried mulberry is a natural immunostimulant, increasing the body's resistance to external negative influences. The product has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes intestinal motility, has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties.
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